Looking for a One stop tattoo shop?

There are a lot of problems people face when making tattoos, Its a process that requires a lot of thinking, planning and decision-making.

It also entails a lot of personal feelings.

Normally, people get a tattoo to last a lifetime,usually its a sentimental reason or a personal expression. People look for the perfect design, artist and price before getting their tattoos done and sadly not everyone gets the job done right.

In fact, there are a lot of people who made the wrong decision and had to spend a ton of cash just to get their tattoos removed! This is why it’s important to know and be sure that the tattoo you are getting is something you really want.

Sadly, this process proves to be tedious and sometimes designs that you like are unavailable in your local shop. So what do you do? Just get a so-so tattoo done on you?

I don’t want you to do that, you’ll waste time, money and I can’t imagine the PAIN.

The pain of realizing that you didn’t want it to be done in the first place. But if I may give you some sound advice I have found a great place for all your tattoo needs…

Introducing,  A one-stop tattoo shop with all the designs you want!( there are literally thousands to choose from.) It also has a list of shops where you can get these designs done!

the best feature of this site is that it has photographs of people who had the tattooes done on their bodies. You can easily see how it will look on different skin and body types.

This is probably the best feature since you can easily decide if the design will work for your body since they have a lot of samples and you can easily see if the design will suit you. (through the pictures) No more second-guessing.

It’s a great place because its a one-stop shop where you get all your tattoo needs.
Without the hassles. You don’t have to choose a design you don’t want.

You will have a ton of choices and the best places to get them, the only problem that could happen is you won’t have anymore space to place the tattooes in your body.
Check it out here

Tribal Tattoo Design

Tribal Tattoo’s have become one of the most popular tattoo designs in the world, it received a huge growth in the 90’s and is still going strong now. There are thousands of designs the average person could walk in to a parlour and request today, they seem to be popular because of their aggressive black styling and some have a deep or magical meaning, but some just look magnificent.

Tribal tattoos are usually considered to be very extravagant, although colours are some times used, more often than not they are just black. Their history can be traced back many years in Africa, Pacific Isles and the Maori tribes, these tattoos were not applied usually just for style as they are often used nowadays. In countries such as Samoa and the different tribes in New Zealand they would be used to tell a story, this could be their life story or their heritage, most males in the tribes would have very large tattoo’s spreading all over the body, in the Maori culture a man would gain more respect if he had his body covered, this included the face. The art of tattooing in the Southern Pacific Isles in countries such as Samoa was used to display their status in the tribe, so the higher their status in the community; they would receive a higher prestigious tattoo. The art is still being practiced today and is an unbroken tradition that is passed on to their children and grand children. It is very hard to prove where the art started but the earliest form recorded was by the Polynesians who would also tattoo their status as well as the stories we mentioned before.

Tribal Tattoos can have numerous meanings in different cultures, some have a mystical background which they think will bring them luck or protect them. Some of the tribes in Borneo apply a tattoo over their heart; this is a ritual they think will protect them against harm in battle and life. An example of these tattoos is the ‘aso’, it is meant to bring great fortune and luck to the person who bares the symbol.

As mentioned already, tribal tattoos are usually black in colour, aggressive in style and usually have waving designs with pointing edges, every one is thought to have a meaning, maybe not all of the modern ones carry this stereotype. The Samoan tribal tattoos usually are made up of straight lines and are symmetrical which differs from the other tribal tattoos.

There’s no doubting the popularity of tribal tattoos among average every day people now, they have far extended from their mysterious tribal background. A lot of people now get them because of the reputation of the tribal tattoo design, specifically because of their ‘manly’ background and show a symbol of heritage and power which is so often associated with the words tribal tattoo, but in an aesthetically paranoid world we live in today, most are designed purely with looks in mind.

People get them for the stigma and manly attributes etc

Tattoo Designs Gallery – Thousands of Tattoo Designs at your fingertips!

Tattoo Designs

Tattoo Designs Gallery – Thousands of Tattoo Designs at your fingertips!

Tattoo Designs

A tattoo is a symbol, words or both applied to a person’s skin by inserting pigment into the skin for decoration or traditional reasons. The art of tattooing is a very skilled job and the act of having a tattoo has exploded in popularity as the world and cultures become more open minded and accepting towards body art. There used to be a bad stigma associated with people who had a tattoo for decorative reasons, but now it’s not the case, you can go to your local tattoo parlour and choose from hundreds or even thousands of different designs.

It’s becoming more and more popular now not only with men, but with women also due to the large scope of designs available. They can be applied to any part pf the body, with arms, necks, back, front and legs being the most popular. There’s a whole host of different designs a person can choose from, one being tribal tattoos, usually black, curved edges with a particular meaning and heritage to a culture somewhere in the world, although some are designed in a tribal manner purely for aesthetic reasons.

Another popular design is Chinese/Mandarin words, letters and symbols, these are usually very decorative and pleasing on the eye, and their popularity seems to stem from their exotic appearance and they actually have a meaning, a lot of people enjoy having their name tattooed in a different language or symbol.

Religious tattoos may not be as popular as decorative tattoos but some are aesthetically pleasing, the Christian cross is very popular, along with Hindu designs which are very decorative, but it’s important to remember that these designs have a deep religious and protective use so people can be quite sensitive over them.

The military also has a proud history of showing their allegiance via a tattoo, forces like the Royal Navy and specialist squads have tattoos to represent what they are a member of and/or what they are fighting for, and these are not usually had for their artistic and visual attributes.

Custom tattoos are probably the most popular; these don’t really have any meaning or importance. They are usually designed by the person who is requesting the tattoo or by a tattoo artist, people often have something which is close to them or a special design they have seen elsewhere and liked. They come in all different size, shape and styles. You can look for inspiration in many different places, the internet has a wealth of free galleries and ideas, even ask the designer at your local tattoo parlour.

As a final word, remember to choose your design carefully, if it’s something close to your heart or associated to your heritage it can feel really satisfying to have a constant reminder of what you love or where you come from. Also choose they size carefully, if you get something to big, it may not suit you and could end up looking ghastly. The choice is that important it could affect your body for the rest of your live so think about it long and hard, when you’re happy with your choice, the end product can be spectacular.

Tattoo Designs Gallery – Thousands of Tattoo Designs at your fingertips!